
Join the Lifefulness Community.

The Lifefulness Community

We’re building a community to gather, connect and support people who want to bring Lifefulness into their workplaces and their neighbourhoods. 

What’s Lifefulness?

Lifefulness adapts the ancient wisdom and techniques of spiritual communities and congregations, in a way that is secular and inclusive to all. 

Who is this community for?

We welcome everyone who is passionate about building joyful, soulful communities and meaningful cultures.

We welcome anyone tackling the crisis in meaning and belonging.

We welcome people who see in this twin crisis, the seeds of possibility. People who can sense the light longing to burst through the darkness (it’s there if you squint your soul hard enough).

More specifically (and less poetically)…

The community will provide support and connection for:

  • Collaborators and partners who want to create great work cultures.

  • Practitioners and community builders who want to learn, and contribute to, the practice of LIfefulness.

  • Allies who want to mend our broken systems of meaning and belonging.

  • Anyone who wants to have a closer community in their neighbourhood.

We’d love to welcome you more fully at our welcome page.

What will you get from it?

You will be at the forefront of a movement that will bring soulful connection in society and the workplace.

You’ll meet peers, learn from experts, contribute to the practice and receive cutting edge insights.

To begin with we are combining professional and local communities but will separate them in time.

How can I take part?

We’re starting off lean so there are four ways for you to join in.

1. Content

We create content that will help you deepen your understanding and connection.

2. Community Events

We have a range of events that you can join which will be followed local communities you can instigate yourself.

3. Community Co-Design

We will work with the community to co-design products and services that will create neighbourhoods and cultures vibrating with aliveness. 

4. Online Courses

Our courses, for individuals and teams, will help you deepen your understanding, and connection.

The Lifefulness Community online.

We want to work with you to find the best way to bring our community together online. Until then follow us on Facebook, follow our Insta, ond Sanderson Jones on Twitter to stay abreast.

Join the Lifefulness Community.

Take the first step into the community by signing up to our newsletter, so we can keep you informed of all activities and plans as we grow.