You’re probably wondering what lifefulness is all about.
Scroll down and we’ll explain
Lifefulness started with a question…
15 years ago, I (Sanderson Jones, co-founder) was standing in a Christmas Carol Service and the thought came to me: “There’s so much about this I love - singing, community, joy, connection - it’s shame I’m just not religious at all”.
This question came to mind:
Could you create something like church that celebrates the one incredible thing we all have in common: life itself?
In 2013 with my friend and co-founder Pippa Evans (another comedian) I founded Sunday Assembly - a movement of non-religious congregations that celebrate life. Instead of hymns - pop songs, instead of a sermon - a TED-style talk, instead of prayer - mindfulness but with all the community.
We found a way to adapt the techniques of the spiritual community and congregation so that everyone could get involved. The communities were celebrating life, so Lifefulness seemed like the perfect word for the practice we developed.
The Lifefulness Project
The Lifefulness Project was set up so that anyone in the world could take part in Lifefulness - even if there wasn’t a Sunday Assembly near them. By concentrating on the Lifefulness practice, it would mean it could be used in businesses, schools, healthcare and other organisations.

Lifefulness is to congregation as mindfulness is to meditation.
Lifefulness adapts the spiritual community in a way that is secular and scientific…
…that’s what we mean when we saying ‘Lifefulness is to congregation as mindfulness is to meditation’.
Modern mindfulness was created by adapting Buddhist meditation in a way that was secular, just as modern yoga came from bendy people doing the same for Hindu hatha yoga.
We’re adapting the spiritual community because attending congregations has been shown to improve people’s live dramatically - and we think that should be available to everyone.
But Lifefulness is also a lot simpler than that…
At its heart Lifefulness is a practice about living ‘lifefully’: of filling your life with life, living your life fully living a life of vitality and aliveness.
Lifefulness comes from the underused word ‘Lifeful’ :
‘Lifeful - adjective: Full of life; having much vitality or animation; that which gives or bestows life or vitality’.
It’s both a simple idea and a tried and tested, evidence-based methodology that has been put into practice across the world, in major corporations and even the NHS.
The Six Pillars of Lifefulness.
These are the six core aspects of spiritual communities that you can use in your individual life, or organisation.
Dedicating your life to what is most meaningful to you.
Celebration & Contemplation
Joyful gatherings and personal practices that bring your meaning to life.
Living life in communities with deep authentic relationships.
Growing psychologically until you can live up to your values.
Serving Those Around You
Living a life of service to your loved ones, your community and the less fortunate.
the World
Taking action and speaking truth to bring about the world as it should be.
By putting these into action we’re able to create community online (not just another online community).
There’s a congregation-shaped hole in modern society.
The Lifefulness Project aims to spread joy, love and connection in service of an incredibly urgent mission: to tackle the crisis in meaning and belonging in our culture.
We would love to have you join our community. We can’t do it without you.
The Team.
Sanderson Jones
Sanderson Jones is a social entrepreneur, keynote speaker, comedian, coach, and general celebrator of life.
Sanderson’s mission today is to show how Lifefulness - the practice of building secular and inclusive communities - can be applied to any place where people come together.
Lifefulness practices can be used in businesses, charities, schools, and prisons, or by individuals in their own lives, to create meaning and belonging.
James Croft
Podcast Co-Host & Faculty
James Croft is a world leader in the field of humanist personal transformation and community creation.
James brings this knowledge as the host of the Lifefulness Podcast, faculty on the Lifefulness 101 course and facilitator in the group coaching sessions.
With a doctorate in the philosophy of education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education and graduate degrees from Cambridge and Harvard it’s best not to ask him about his student debt.
Today James is the Lead Minister at the Ethical Society of St. Louis, America’s largest humanist congregation.

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